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作者:195laf 时间:2024-02-19 00:30:05



However, this does not guarantee that all the air is getting to the air intake of the ITE inside the cabinet (See Mind the Gaps.) For uncontained cold-aisles, there is a significant percentage of cold supply airflow which does not reach the face of the IT cabinet (reducing the net CFM and capture ratio). In addition, there is mixing of hot and cold air, all of which reduces the overall supply of cool air to the cabinet, as well as increasing ITE air intake temperatures. Therefore, it is common practice to deliver higher airflow (oversupply), to help reduce mixing, which causes hotspots. Of course, higher airflow requires more underfloor pressure, and also increases airflow velocity in a given tile. This oversupply also increases the fan energy of the facility cooling units required to cool the rack.高密度水产养殖

This has effectively remained unchanged (humidity ranges have broadened since them). New data center designs and expected operating conditions for A2 rated ITE has driven data center supply temperatures higher to save energy. Many colocation data center service level agreements (SLA) are based on maintaining ASHRAE recommended range during normal operations, with excursions into the A1 allowable range during a cooling system problem.高密度水产养殖

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