首页 >(公开)遂宁风景区景观设计大师(2023更新中)(今日/服务详解)


作者:195p4r 时间:2023-06-04 03:17:10

(公开)遂宁风景区景观设计大师(2023更新中)(今日/服务详解),  四川卓然居景观是提供集创意、设计、施工、养护、研发于一体的私家庭院、民宿、商业景观等整体解决方案的专业化公司,打破传统思维,以独特创新的设计,多元快捷的造园手法,展现园林之意境,用匠心的服务理念,提升生活品味,塑造庭院花园景观典范。

(公开)遂宁风景区景观设计大师(2023更新中)(今日/服务详解), 在一方水院之间,托起丈余的木质平台,只为让一颗百年的普洱古茶树移居于此,从岸边到木质平台之间,水中有一颗石头,要渡过去,只有放慢脚步。云南的树伴着大理的海,当一切都逝去,就让她陪着洱海,守着这慢屋。"慢屋”在青色石头墙,上下碧水水院、中央草色院心之间留一房暖棕色的木质书屋,半沉入地面,只为拉近书屋与水、草的距离。面向水院开了一排落地木格栅,晒着阳光,捉弄着光影,面向院心,悬了30个书箱,想着能装下世界,却留了一排落地低窗,让读书人瞄一眼院中青草,抿一口杯中清茶。


(公开)遂宁风景区景观设计大师(2023更新中)(今日/服务详解), Following the existing height of the terrain, we divide the original external space into three parts: the external provincial road, the inner courtyard and the mountains on the slope (Figure 6). The outermost part includes provincial road, the entrance and parking lot. The raised terrace, as the guiding space for entering the site, isolated site with external world. The inner courtyard which faces the main building is the significant place for creating the living atmosphere. The inner courtyard and main building constitute a hidden axis, forming a 'straight viewing' direction in the site. The inner courtyard, the provincial road and mountain fields are separated by clear interfaces. An experiencing space for various events and activities was arranged in the mountains part, and it is natural to put various active areas on different levels of the slope.


(公开)遂宁风景区景观设计大师(2023更新中)(今日/服务详解), Entering the porch, the direction of the step-up staircase and the inclination of the roof further strengthen the raise of the terrain and the height of the landscape (Fig. 11). The strepitant atmosphere near the provincial road has been greatly improved after several obstacles including the shadow wall, the base of the wooden frame and the stone wall in the middle of the staircase. (公开)遂宁风景区景观设计大师(2023更新中)(今日/服务详解)
