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作者:197soo 时间:2024-04-17 09:59:32


Given the modest size of the plot, the house is under very strict constraints with regards to maximum square and cubic meterage. Most houses around it do not create porches because of these restrictions, however it was a priority for us to have generous covered outdoor areas for a seamless indoor-outdoor living as well as having large windows through which sun can come in the winter but not in the summer. The shifting of the floor plates was decided based on numerous solar analyses and layouts.

We were not appointed to develop the interior design. The developer decided on standard affordable basic finishes. It was a challenge to figure out how to deliver spatial qualities that did not depend on finishes. We think it is important to be able to deliver what is required in each situation. The qualities of the house therefore are delivered by the layout (as we mentioned above, emphasizing on the indoor-outdoor seamlessness) and by the choice of exed hybrid structure. Over that each tenant will overlay their taste through their furniture, carpets, curtains, things! perhaps even paint the walls, easily add awnings if they like, etc.

组装完成后,风扇整机高度993mm,净重2.9Kg,的小巧轻便。自由版为白嵌灰的高雅配色,放在家中的任何一个地方都不会违和。而且仔细看的话,还会发现造梦者的这款风扇采用了类似悬浮感的底盘设计,工艺水准以及设计效果都非常的出色。 全智能自然风,坐在窗前就像走在莱茵河畔莱茵河畔风的到底是什么感觉呢?按下开机键,调整到自然风模式,瞬间清风徐来。那种感觉就像走在田野、水边;风非常的柔和,时断时续,速度和强度也总在变化,和时有时无、忽大忽小的自然风并无区别,如果刚巧你的桌边有盆鲜花,那感觉简直棒极了,比只有温度没有柔情的“冰冷”空调好上千百倍。在如此的舒适自然风中生活和工作,夏季的闷热和烦闷都会被一扫而光。


1958年8月,银行提出了“收购多少物资,银行就供应多少资金;在哪里收购就在哪里供应;什么时候收购就什么时候供应”的口号,并把银行工作的一些基本原则当作“大跃进”的“绊脚石”而加以破除。“大撒把”似的供应资金的结果,造成银行流动资金的大量增加,并有部分资金被挪用于搞基本建设。货币供应失去控制,助长了各地自行其是、各搞一套、重复建设、盲目,损失浪费惊人。江苏太湖县供销合作社在1962年发行的,其背面记载着从1963年至1982年的分红记录,这 一时期贯穿整个文化大革命。