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作者:197g49 时间:2024-04-14 23:17:48




Abstract:HVACs of a commercial building, air conditioning area of which is 88,100 m2, in Beijing is diagnosed and improved. Rated capacity of water chiller units is 5757RT, which is 1.7 to 2.5 times the actual cooling demands. This leads to problems of high initial investment, low load ratio of chillers and low efficiencies of pumps. For the existing HVACs, the efficiency of chiller plants, chilled water pumps and cooling water pumps are around 3.1, 23.05 and 13.75, respectively, which are much lower than the energy saving standards of HVACs. Based on cooling load calculation and pressure drop analysis of chilled water loops, it is decided to combine air conditioning systems of east and west parts of this building. Based on this, total rated capacity of chiller units is reduced and operating strategies under different load ratio are proed. Besides, the original two-stage chilled water pumps system is transformed to be single stage system. These strategies can effectively increase COP of chillers and transportation coefficient of chilled water pumps. When load ratio is in the range of 10 % to 100 %, COP of chillers is increased to be over 5.5. When energy consumption of pumps is taken into consideration, efficiency of chiller plants is enhanced from 3.1 to 4.0. This commission case provides guidance for energy saving diagnosis and transformation of existing commercial buildings that have similar problems.

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