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作者:1964b5 时间:2024-04-12 23:35:00


1, 144, 997. Controlling lateral canting. SOC. ANON. ANDRE CITROEN. 15 Feb., 1968 [22 March, 1967], No. 7371/68. Heading B7D. A vehicle suspension includes an anti-roll mechanism comprising a torsion bar 2 which is mounted transversely of a vehicle frame in bearings 1 and has, rigidly secured at one end, an arm 3 which is connected to one wheel of a pair of road wheels and mounted for free rotation at the other end, an arm 5 which is connected to the other wheel of the pair and is controlled angularly by an arm 7 which is rigidly secured to the other end of the torsion bar and has its free end connected to the arm 5 through an angularly adjustable cam 9. The cam 9 may control the degree of opening of the jaws of a scissors device 11, 12 which engages the arm 5 by means of a pair of resilient pads 13, 14 and is rotated by an hydraulic ram 15 in dependence on the load on the wheels as sensed by a sensor 16 mounted between the sprung and unsprung masses to vary the stiffness of the anti-roll mechanism. In an alternative construction (Fig. 2) the cam 9a engages within a recess of an extended arm 5a and, when rotated, renders the anti-roll mechanism either operative or inoperative.

英飞凌 Infineon 前身是西门子 Siemens 的半导体部门。1999 年,西门子将 该业务独立出去,成立了英飞凌科技。2015 年,完成了对收购来的美国 IR(International Rectifier)的营收合并,收购完成后,英飞凌的产品组合变得 更加丰富,美国和亚洲的许多中小企业也成为的客户。技术方面,英飞凌获 得更多电源管理系统专有产品 ASSP 的技术,进一步加强其在功率半导体方面的 专长,并整合化合物半导体(GaN 镓)领域的先进知识,助推其成为模拟芯片行 业前强。

需求是整合的原动力,收购是发展整合的必经之路。模拟芯片市场是一块发 展相对成熟的市场,在技术发展上看,龙头企业往往已经具有自己擅长的领域和 布局,产品毛利往往较高(50-60%),这有利于他们有机会通过收购拓展更多的 新的产品,抢占新兴的市场领域。另一方面,模拟市场的竞争残酷,没有客户支持、技术先进性的产品毛 利率和规模将被双杀,这也是为何过去十年间不断有半导体巨头陆续剥离不能 盈利的模拟芯片业务的原因,一旦在某个细分领域上技术和客户拓展落后于竞争 对手,面临的将是收入和毛利率双重的下行打击。对于国内追赶者来讲,首要目 标应该是打下自己的技术基本盘,拥有良好的客户结构以及擅长的应用场景,然 后通过并购整合拓展自己的技术产品边界,在国产替代的大趋势下,更好的面对 国际模拟头部厂商获得竞争优势。

